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Course Objectives

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5

Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10

Week 1: Objectives

This week we will focus on...
Week 1 Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this week, students will:

(1.) Discuss the term: Critical Thinking.
(2.) Discuss the term: Problem Solving.
(3.) Describe the​ Understand-Solve-Explain approach to Problem Solving.
(4.) Describe George Polya's Four Step Problem Solving Process.
(5.) Discuss the term: Reasoning.
(6.) Discuss the topic: Logic.
(7.) Discuss the term: Argument.
(8.) Identify fallacies in arguments.
(9.) Apply reasoning in solving problems.

Week 2: Objectives

This week we will focus on...
Week 2 Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this week, students will:

(1.) Discuss propositional logic.
(2.) Identify logical statements/propositions.
(3.) Discuss logical connectives.
(4.) Draw truth tables for logical statements.
(5.) Negate simple propositions and quantifiers.
(6.) Discuss logical equivalences.
(7.) Determine the validity or invalidity of arguments.

Week 3: Objectives

This week we will focus on...
Week 3 Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this week, students will:

(1.) Define sets.
(2.) Discuss the terms used in sets.
(3.) Determine the cardinality of a set.
(4.) Determine the complement of a set.
(5.) Determine the union of sets.
(6.) Determine the intersection of sets.
(7.) List the subsets of a set.
(8.) List the power set of a set.
(9.) Draw Venn diagrams for two sets.
(10.) Draw Venn diagrams for three sets.
(11.) Solve applied problems involving two sets.
(12.) Solve applied problems involving three sets.

Week 4: Objectives

This week we will focus on...
Week 4 Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this week, students will:

(1.) Discuss the International Metric System (SI) of units for measured quantities.
(2.) Discuss the United States Customary System of units for measured quantities.
(3.) Convert between units for linear measures.
(4.) Convert among units for linear measures.
(5.) Convert between units for quadratic measures/area measures.
(6.) Convert among units for quadratic measures/area measures.
(7.) Convert between units for cubic measures/volume measures.
(8.) Convert among units for cubic measures/volume measures.
(9.) Convert between the International Metric System of units and the United States Customary System of units.
(10.) Perform arithmetic operations of quantities in the International Metric System.
(11.) Perform arithmetic operations of quantities in the United States Customary System.
(12.) Solve applied problems on Measurements and Units.

Week 5: Objectives

This week we will focus on...
Week 5 Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this week, students will:

(1.) Discuss the topic of Numbers.
(2.) Classify numbers.
(3.) Demonstrate the knowledge of place values of numbers and the relative magnitude of numbers.
(4.) Perform arithmetic operations on numbers.
(5.) Evaluate algebraic expressions by substituting numbers for variables.
(6.) Solve applied problems involving numbers.
(7.) Discuss the topic of Fractions.
(8.) Identify equivalent ways of representing fractions.
(9.) Solve applied problems involving fractions.
(10.) Discuss the concept of ratios.
(11.) Discuss the concept of proportions.
(12.) Solve applied problems on ratios.
(13.) Solve applied problems on proportions.
(14.) Discuss the topic of Decimals.
(15.) Round decimals.
(16.) Identify equivalent ways of representing decimals.
(17.) Solve applied problems involving decimals.
(18.) Discuss the topic of Percents.
(19.) Identify equivalent ways of representing percents.
(20.) Solve applied problems on percents.
(21.) Convert between and among: Fractions, Decimals, and Percents.
(22.) Discuss the topic of Exponents.
(23.) Discuss the concept of Scientific Notation.
(24.) Write numbers in standard notation to scientific notation.
(25.) Write numbers in scientific notation to standard notation.
(26.) Solve applied problems on exponents.
(27.) Solve applied problems involving scientific notation.

Week 6: Objectives

This week we will focus on...
Week 6 Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this week, students will:

(1.) Discuss index numbers.
(2.) Discuss the consumer price index.
(3.) Interpret the Consumer Price Index table from the Bureau of Labor Statistics website.
(4.) Solve applied problems involving index numbers.

Week 7: Objectives

This week we will focus on...
Week 7 Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this week, students will:

(1.) Discuss the basics of Financial Literacy.
(2.) Solve applied problems on financial literacy.
(3.) Discuss the topic of Simple Interest.
(4.) Solve applied problems on simple interest.
(5.) Discuss the topic of Compound Interest.
(6.) Solve applied problems on compound interest.
(7.) Discuss the topic of Continuous Compound Interest.
(8.) Solve applied problems on continuous compound interest.
(9.) Discuss the topic of Annual Percentage Yield.
(10.) Solve applied problems on annual percentage yield.
(11.) Solve applied problems on the Mathematics of Finance.
(12.) Solve finance problems using technology including Texas Instruments (TI) calculators.

Week 8: Objectives

This week we will focus on...
Week 8 Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this week, students will:

(1.) Discuss several investments for retirement.
(2.) Discuss the topic of Ordinary Annuity.
(3.) Solve applied problems on ordinary annuity.
(4.) Discuss the topic of Annuity Due.
(5.) Solve applied problems on annuity due.
(6.) Discuss the topic of Amortization.
(7.) Solve applied problems on amortization.
(8.) Discuss the topic of Sinking Fund.
(9.) Solve applied problems on sinking fund.
(10.) Discuss the buying of a car in the United States.
(11.) Discuss the buying of a home in the United States.
(12.) Discuss the topic of Personal Income Taxes.
(13.) Solve applied problems on personal income taxes.
(14.) Solve applied problems on the Mathematics of Finance.
(15.) Solve finance problems using technology including Texas Instruments (TI) calculators.

Week 9: Objectives

This week we will focus on...
Week 9 Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this week, students will:

(1.) Discuss the topic of Statistics.
(2.) Define data.
(3.) Identify the population, sample, and individual in scenarios.
(4.) Identify the statistic and/or parameter in scenarios.
(5.) Classify variables.
(6.) Discuss the collection of data.
(7.) Compare the two methods used for collecting data.
(8.) Contrast the two methods used for collecting data.
(9.) Explain the various types of observational studies.
(10.) Explain the principles of a well-designed experiment.
(11.) Obtain a simple random sample.
(12.) Obtain a stratified sample.
(13.) Obtain a systematic sample.
(14.) Obtain a cluster sample.
(15.) Explain the sources of bias in sampling.
(16.) Organize raw data in classes using a frequency distribution table.
(17.) Compute the statistical properties of data.
(18.) Compute the relative frequencies of data.
(19.) Construct a relative frequency distribution table.
(20.) Compute the cumulative frequencies of data.
(21.) Construct a cumulative frequency distribution table.
(22.) Represent data using several data presentation tools.
(23.) Calculate the sectorial angles of the variables in pie charts.
(24.) Calculate the percentages of the variables in pie charts.
(25.) Interpret the data presented with several data presentation tools.
(26.) Identify misleading graphs.
(27.) Correct misleading graphs.
(28.) Solve applied problems on Introductory Statistics.

Week 10: Objectives

This week we will focus on...
Week 10 Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this week, students will:

(1.) Differentiate between association and causation.
(2.) Discuss Correlation.
(3.) Draw scatter diagrams manually.
(4.) Draw scatter diagrams using technology.
(5.) Interpret scatter diagrams.
(6.) Calculate the Pearson's correlation coefficient.
(7.) Interpret the Pearson's correlation coefficient in the context in which it was asked.
(8.) Determine the coefficient of determination.
(9.) Interpret the coefficient of determination.
(10.) Compute residuals.
(11.) Determine the least-squares regression line.
(12.) Determine the correlation coefficient and the least-squares regression line using technology.
(13.) Determine the correlation coefficient and the least-squares regression line using technology.
(14.) Solve applied problems on Correlation and Regression.